Sunday, December 29, 2019

Should Terrorism Be Implemented - 1835 Words

The consideration of appropriate measures is always the topic of discussion, when it comes to terrorist attacks. Depending on the country’s view point on terrorist acts, the terrorist may be dealt with in a few different manors. These terrorist may be treated as POW’S (Prisoners of war), tried as criminals, or a Hybrid. Hybrids consist of the lowest laws of POW’S and the country’s criminal laws combined.As well as should torture be implemented? Based on the recent events that have taken place in Paris, France, both Luban and Calhoun have different approaches on what to do about this situation. To fully understand how to go about making a decision. The definition of terrorist means a person who uses terrorism in order to gain political status. Terrorism is viewed by governments as a non political party therefore they don t entertain them as one. Yet with the introduction of (just war theory) are terrorist really terrorist? Just war Theory is a unspoken rul e of war that the whole world has agreed on to conduct war fairly. Just war Theory comes in four different steps, negation, sanction, threat, and lethal force. Stated by Laurie Calhoun, The first step of Just war Theory can t be acted upon by terrorist. Reason being is it would be morally reprehensible even to engage in discourse with terrorist, basically meaning democratic nations don t negotiate with them. The next step would be sanction which is the ratification of a law or action. This step can t be done based onShow MoreRelatedTerrorism Is A Huge Problem901 Words   |  4 PagesTerrorism is a huge problem affecting the American public in many ways. There have been 76 cases involving radical islamic terror attacks targeting the United States since the attacks of 9/11. (Mueller) The first issue with Terrorism is laws are not strict enough to deter terrorist from attacking. 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