Sunday, December 29, 2019

Should Terrorism Be Implemented - 1835 Words

The consideration of appropriate measures is always the topic of discussion, when it comes to terrorist attacks. Depending on the country’s view point on terrorist acts, the terrorist may be dealt with in a few different manors. These terrorist may be treated as POW’S (Prisoners of war), tried as criminals, or a Hybrid. Hybrids consist of the lowest laws of POW’S and the country’s criminal laws combined.As well as should torture be implemented? Based on the recent events that have taken place in Paris, France, both Luban and Calhoun have different approaches on what to do about this situation. To fully understand how to go about making a decision. The definition of terrorist means a person who uses terrorism in order to gain political status. Terrorism is viewed by governments as a non political party therefore they don t entertain them as one. Yet with the introduction of (just war theory) are terrorist really terrorist? Just war Theory is a unspoken rul e of war that the whole world has agreed on to conduct war fairly. Just war Theory comes in four different steps, negation, sanction, threat, and lethal force. Stated by Laurie Calhoun, The first step of Just war Theory can t be acted upon by terrorist. Reason being is it would be morally reprehensible even to engage in discourse with terrorist, basically meaning democratic nations don t negotiate with them. The next step would be sanction which is the ratification of a law or action. This step can t be done based onShow MoreRelatedTerrorism Is A Huge Problem901 Words   |  4 PagesTerrorism is a huge problem affecting the American public in many ways. There have been 76 cases involving radical islamic terror attacks targeting the United States since the attacks of 9/11. (Mueller) The first issue with Terrorism is laws are not strict enough to deter terrorist from attacking. 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There are certainly a number of reasons for terrorism to liveRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism959 Words   |  4 Pagesthe public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion. The terms terrorist and terrorism have been used since the late 18th century. While several definitions agree that terrorism can or does consist in deliberately killing or trying to kill civilians, they disagree as to whether that violence should also aim at some political effect in order to qualify as terrorism. The term terrorism , like globalism, is difficult to define and has a diversity of meanings among different groupsRead MoreReview of the Inquiry of Air India Flight 182: A Canadian Tragedy1515 Words   |  7 Pageswill examine the mandate, methods, and the key findings by the commission. An evaluation will be made on the recommendations set out in the inquiry and the impacts of the recommendations that have been implemented in addition to evaluating whether or not all the recommendations have been implemented in Canada. This review will also evaluate the context in which the particular group of Sikhs and Indians were treated as a victim, terrorist, or witness. Mandate On May 1, 2006, the Governor General in

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Financial Sustainability For My Family And Extended Family

Regarding to the happiness of the whole family, I do not know the truth whether financial sustainability for my family and extended family will make us all happy. There is a possibility that at one point in time I or any other family member will be able to solve the family’s financial difficulties. I do believe that it would be great if no one in the family has to worry about the money. It gives them the options to consider other goals other than making a sustainable career. Yes, I would love this. I would love to be able to give my family the same freedom I did. I am tired of seeing people’s goal to be about money. In UC Berkeley, there are numerous amount of students who chose a major for their career solely on the purpose that it is financially sustainable. I am not working hard right now to be able to make money for my future family. My main reason for working hard is for myself – to accomplish my goal and to be able to expand the knowledge of humanity. Yes, now I can see how this can be a dilemma for others, but for me if I succeed, my goal is still able to sustain my family’s finance – not every member in the extended family however – and keep me permanently happy. This may not be so for others. Is there a risk for me and my family in attempting my father’s goal? Yes, for example I may have to sacrifice time to earn money. I do not want to be a father who cannot spend time with their wife and children because of work. The lack of focus on the family will weaken theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Rath Inc, A Family Run Home Daycare Center1261 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Rath Inc, is a family run in-home daycare center. This business emerged from the passion embody by our family and the need of friends and neighbors for a facility wherein they can have their children after school; that will cater to their education needs (assistance with school works, etc). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Final Report Free Essays

string(80) " Retention is basically the ability of an organization to retain the employees\." Submitted to CHITKARA BUSINESS SCHOOLIn partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree ofBachelor of Commerce 2015-2018 Submitted by: Supervised by:Sanchit Grover Dr. Rashmi Aggarwal 1520991298 Professor CHITKARA BUSINESS SCHOOL CHITKARA UNIVERSITY2018 CERTIFICATE OF INTERNSHIP COMPLETION CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that the major project which is presented in this report entitled â€Å"EMPLOYMENT RETENTION AND MOTIVATIONAL STRATEGIES † † submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the BCOM FINAL YEAR to the Chitkara University, Punjab Campus is an authentic record of my own work carried out at Chitkara University, Punjab Campus. The material embodied in this project work has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now SANCHIT GROVER 1520991298 AcknowledgementIn performing my project, I have taken the help and guideline of some respected Persons, who deserve our greatest gratitude. The completion of this project gives us much pleasure. I would like to show my gratitude to Professor Dr. Rashmi Aggarwal for giving guidelines for project throughout numerous consultations. I would also like to expand my deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided me in writing this assignment. I extend my gratitude to my managing director Mr. Rajesh Kumar , my Head Mr. Dushyant Yadav and all my colleagues, friends for their support, guidance and assistance for ongoing industrial training and for preparing the project report. I thank all the people for their help directly and indirectly to complete my assignment. Sanchit Grover1520991298 Executive summary I did my internship in RCMICCI, Chandigarh. In today’s competitive world NGO have become more and more popular. In this organization I worked under the Managing Director, Mr. Rajesh Kumar.. Non-governmental organizations,  nongovernmental  organizations, or  nongovernment organizations, commonly referred to as  NGOs, are usually  nonprofit  and sometimes international organizations independent of governments and international governmental organizations (though often funded by governments)  that are active in humanitarian, educational, healthcare, public policy, social, human rights, environmental, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives. They are thus a subgroup of all organizations founded by citizens, which include clubs and other  associations  that provide services, benefits, and premises only to members. Sometimes the term is used as a synonym of â€Å"civil society organization† to refer to any association founded by citizens,  but this is not how the term is normally used in the media or  everyday language, as recorded by major dictionaries. The explanation of the term by (the non-governmental organizations associated with the United Nations) is ambivalent. It first says an NGO is  any non-profit, voluntary citizens’ group which is organized on a local, national or international level, but then goes on to restrict the meaning in the sense used by most English speakers and the media:  Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of service and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provision of information. CHAPTER- 1 Introductory ChapterEmployment Retention Employment Retention is basically the ability of an organization to retain the employees. You read "Final Report" in category "Papers" It is possible to present employment retention through statistics. Consideration is employment retention is related to the efforts of employers in retaining the employees in their workforce.   Retention becomes the strategies rather than the outcome There should be a distinction between the top performers and low performing employees and the efforts to retain the employees should be targeted as valuable. Employee turnover  is a symptom of deeper issues that have not been resolved, which may include low  employee morale, absence of a clear career path, lack of recognition, poor employee-manager relationships or many other issues. A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities. Learning from study: Retention and motivation strategies help organizations to attain organizational efficiency on one hand by increasing the productivity and profitability while on the other hand it satisfies the individual’s needs of employees by reducing stress, job insecurity and increasing loyalty and commitment and job satisfaction. Motivation and retention are considered as valued tool for organizational performance and achieving quality of work life. In the present era of competition and globalization there is a need to pay attention towards the employees motivation and retention in order to achieve growth and success and developing such a work environment where employees enjoy their work and give their best. Introduction to my workplace:Company Name is ‘RCMICCI’, RCMICCI, was registered with the Registrar of Societies, Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Under No. 55/63 of 2006, in New Delhi. The association brings together all the exhibition organizers, managers, designers ; stand contractors, freight forwarders, services ; facilities providers, venue owners etc. so that there is a common platform for them.. Sub category is Indian Non- Government Organization. Primary location is Delhi. Main language of this organization is English. Registered address of this company is Plot no. 316, Park View Plaza,   Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005, India . RCMICCI is a proactive and dynamic multi-state apex organization working at the grass-root level and with strong national and international linkages. The Chamber acts as a catalyst in the promotion of industry, trade and entrepreneurship. RCMICCI, through its research-based policy advocacy role, positively impacts the economic growth and development of the nation.RCMICCI is more than an organization of the business community, as it lives by the chosen motto ‘In Community’s Life ; Part of It’ and contributes significantly to socio-economic development and capacity building in several fields. Besides the trade promotion and business development RCMICCI is committed to the upliftment of its members through various methods RCMICCI (Reserve Category Minority Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry).We are an organization working for the growth of business to the Reserve Category and Minority based MSME industries and large scale industries wide organizing the regular interactive sessions with the sectors giants like Buyer Seller meet, Trade Fairs, Seminars, Etc.Project Undertaken The topic undertaken by me for research and project is Employment retention and motivational strategies. Employment Retention is basically the ability of an organization to retain the employees. It is possible to present employment retention through statistics. Consideration is employment retention is related to the efforts of employers in retaining the employees in their workforce.   Retention becomes the strategies rather than the outcome There should be a distinction between the top performers and low performing employees and the efforts to retain the employees should be targeted as valuable. Here, motivation plays the most important role as employees needs motivation to complete their tasks, may it be monetary or non monetary. Considering the case of NGO, where I’ve done my internship from, is an exclusive voluntary group of individuals operated not for profit or any commercial purpose, but to serve the general public and also enhance the industrial activities in different measure. India having huge unemployment rate makes the situation worse, this NGO helps the needy as much as possible. In the current scenario low income and job security are the biggest problems. Therefore, there is a pressure of NGOs in such areas with aiming to address the social challenges faced by that region. The NGOs engage staff to complete their agenda within their lifetime. 2.1) Introduction to Corporate2.1.1) Historical Background: Company Name is ‘RCMICCI’, RCMICCI, was registered with the Registrar of Societies, Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Under No. 55/63 of 2006, in New Delhi. The association brings together all the exhibition organizers, managers, designers stand contractors, freight forwarders, services facilities providers, venue owners etc. so that there is a common platform for them.. Sub category is Indian Non- Government Organization. Primary location is Delhi. Main language of this organization is English. Registered address of this company is Plot no. 316, Park View Plaza,   Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005, India . RCMICCI is a proactive and dynamic multi-state apex organization working at the grass-root level and with strong national and international linkages. The Chamber acts as a catalyst in the promotion of industry, trade and entrepreneurship. RCMICCI, through its research-based policy advocacy role, positively impacts the economic growth and development of the nation. RCMICCI is more than an organization of the business community, as it lives by the chosen motto ‘In Community’s Life Part of It’ and contributes significantly to socio-economic development and capacity building in several fields. Besides the trade promotion and business development RCMICCI is committed to the upliftment of its members through various methods RCMICCI (Reserve Category ; Minority Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry).We are an organization working for the growth of business to the Reserve Category and Minority based MSME industries and large scale industries wide organizing the regular interactive sessions with the sectors giants like Buyer Seller meet, Trade Fairs, Seminars, Etc.2.1.2) Mission: In order to provide marketing opportunities to MSMEs within the country, certain theme based exhibitions / technology fairs etc.   organized by RCMICCI, focused on products and services offered by MSMEs specially for all reserve category and minority section of our society which   include technologies suitable for employment generation, products from specific regions or clusters (like   Food processing, Machine-tools, Electronics, Leather etc). Micro, Small ; Medium Enterprises would be provided space at concessional rates to exhibit their products and services in such exhibitions/fairs. Apart from above RCMICCI   also facilitates participation of MSMEs in the exhibitions / trade fairs / events being organized in various State   all over the country to exhibit their products and services. These exhibitions may be organized in consultation with the concerned stakeholders and industry associations etc. The calendar for these events may be finalized well in advance and publicized widely amongst all members. The calendar of events would also be displayed on the Web-site of RCMICCI. Participation in such events is expected to help the MSMEs in enhancing their marketing avenues by way of capturing new markets and expanding existing markets. This would also help them in becoming ancillaries, partners in joint ventures and sub-contracting for large companies. We provides strategies for expanding business , by organizing specialized business events and simultaneously working with the Government by providing policy suggestions which are essentially based on inputs collated from research and industry .2.1.3) Vision: We’ve seen children who have the potential to achieve alot in their life, but they lack achieving it because of lack of finance and resources. Many women capable of touching the skies are unable to attain their goals.our vision is to contribute the maximum of what we earn towards the education of all those poor students who are unable to spend on their education. We promote every small thing that would further contribute to the welfare of the nation as well as the citizens. Small startups by various households are being more and more encouraged. Further how can we forget the women empowerment. We encourage more and more women entrepreneurship so as to make the women of now with the best potential and who are capable of being independent of all. 2.1.4) Industry profile:RCMICCI being a national body representing all segments of the exhibition industry comprising of organizers, venue owners, and service providers like stand construction companies, logistics, etc; the vision and mission of IEIA, besides driving the association, is to promote Indian exhibitions and trade fairs as a cost effective marketing medium nationally and internationally. In the increasing digital age, Exhibitions are the only media where buyers, sellers and products physically come together and thus become a potent force for business. Exhibitions are one of the most effective media for establishing and maintaining customer relations. Exhibitions become a success only if it is planned and organized properly by taking into account the position of the stalls and the total ambience of the hall etc.2.2) Name and location of group company:Company Name is ‘RCMICCI’, RCMICCI, was registered with the Registrar of Societies, Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Under No. 55/63 of 2006, in New DelhiSub category is Indian Non- Government Organization. Primary location is Delhi. Main language of this organization is English. Registered address of this company is Plot no. 316, Park View Plaza,   Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005, India .2.3) Services’RCMICCI’ organises trade fairs and being a non profit organisation, serves the society well by promoting women entrepreneurship , contributes to the education of those kids whose families cannot afford it or the ones without a family and also promotes startups which encourages the ones who have good plans and are willing to do something of their own.2.4) Department of work in Organisation: I worked with event manager Mr. Dushyant Yadav .He guided me very nicely and properly. In the organization where I am doing my internship is that I am learning the overall management that includes client relation, time management and at last man power management. Commitment, leadership and mental and physical devotion are the core factors needed to manage any type of event. Irrespective of the type or the scale of the event, the mental and physical hard work that is to be put in, differs only by a negligible degree of difference. There are innumerable activities that have to be carried out. First of all forming committees, then allocating different jobs to each committee is the very first step. Here all the theoretical concepts learnt up till now in subjects like public relations, human resource planning, logistics, human skills, controlling, accounts, organizing, and others come into actual use. As an event manager one must have a lot of flexibility in terms of working pattern. Be free to do all sorts of jobs irrespective of your position.2.4.2- Roles Assigned – The roles assigned to me were: The duty assigned to me was to arrange more and more sponsors for the exhibition and further I was delegated to handle and manage the entire finance of the event so organized. There were various sponsors who showed a lot of interest to be a part of our exhibition and were attracted by the motive of organizing such events. Some of the sponsors that joined us were: Jio LIC Mewara University Maya Garden Magnesia Radio Mirchi Dainik Bhaskar Ajit2.5) LessonWorking under RCMICCI was a great experience and moreover got a lot more to learn in the practical sense. The works assigned to me helped a lot in gaining various skills relating to event management. As I was asked to approach the sponsors , this task helped me a lot in enhancing my client relations skill. As it helped me how to deal with different sorts of people differently and influencing them with your words. Secondly, I got to develop my marketing skills as well as the management skills. I was also assigned the task of handling the finance which eventually helped in developing the skills.Being an NGO RCMICCI donates it earnings and profits towards the encouragement of education among the poor sector. Which too taught me about working selflessly for the society and the welfare of those who cannot afford the essentialities of one’s life. 2.5.2) Lessons/experience learnt including skills obtained Communication Skills: Interaction with senior staff members and distinct customers helped me to boost up my communication skills. Teamwork Skills: People in the workplace perform  teamwork  when workers combine their individual skills in pursuit of a goal. Interpersonal Skills: Interpersonal skills  are the tools people use to interact and communicate with individuals in an organizational environment. Problem-solving Skills: I benefited from having good problem solving skills as we all encounter problems on a daily basis, some of these problems are obviously more severe or complex than others. Organizational Skills: Organizational skills in the workplace include general organizing, planning, and time management, scheduling, coordinating resources and meeting deadlines. PRE-PLACEMENT OFFER OR AWARD OF RECOGNITION Being an NGO that organizes events time to time, they don’t hire an employee on an regular basis. Whenever an event such as trade fairs , exhibitions etc. are organized they do call their best representatives for helping them out and for that work I’ve been strongly recommended. Also along with my internship certificate they’ve rated me excellent for that purpose. How to cite Final Report, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Strategic Information System Case Study of Kinokuniya Bookstore Austr

Question: Discuss about theStrategic Information Systemfor Case Study of Kinokuniya Bookstore Australia. Answer: Introduction Strategic information system is one of the key systems or sections in the business which is extremely important in the day to day operations of a business. Without information system operations will definitely face significant difficulties to operate the day to day activities in the business. Most of the organisations in the contemporary business environment have strong strategic information system integrated in the operations which helps them to mitigate any organisational issue or challenge which might be internal or external. The role of strategic information system is of paramount importance which could be understood only with the effective research and analysis. The use of accounting software package has become a common tool for many organisations all across the world. In the contemporary business environment of Australia the use of accounting software package has become imperative given its role in handling the overall finance and relevant information effectively (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). The present report is important as it discusses about the organisational structure and the key issues related to operation. This study will also discuss the possible system acquisition method which helps in handling the accounting practice in the organisation. Overall the present study will discuss the process of adoption of the accounting software and the challenges and issues related to it. Kinokuniya is bookstore chain and is one of the best bookstores available in Sydney. It is a Japanese brand which has been able to operate its business effectively in Sydney and some other places in Australia. Given the steady emergence of this bookstore chain it will serve as an effective reference to complete the study. Kinokuniya is a leading small and medium scale bookstore chain operating in Sydney. The root of the organisation is mainly in Japan and it has started its business in Australia recently. The organisation has served almost all the book lovers in Sydney which clearly shows the amount of interest books still create. The Japanese bookstore chain believes in discussing art and culture. The bookstore is unique in nature as it has huge stock of books and one could find a rare collection here which is not possible in any other bookstore. The organisation is presently operating in Sydney with the focus on expanding its business operations in the other parts of Australia and the planning is under process (Willcocks, 2013). The organisation has been able to generate significant amount of revenue in the last few years which has encouraged the organisation to expand its business in the other markets. The current organisational structure of the organisation is simple yet suitable for the organisat ion. Kinokuniyas current organisational structure is a flat structure which helps the organisation to make decisions easily and effectively. The flat organisational structure helps the organisation to make effective improvements in its operational styles as there is no work of the mid level management in this kind of structure. The advantage of this structure is that it helps the upper management to directly communicate with the lower level employees and in the case of Kinokuniya it becomes extremely important as it is essential to get the feedback of the book lovers coming in the store to improve the overall service system of the company (Baltzan, 2012). The flat organisational structure of the organisation is advantageous but it also leads to certain operational problems. It could be said that the main operational problem which could emerge in a flat organisational structure is lose of hold over the employees as under one manager there are number of employees working and this breaks the communication with some of the employees. It is important for the employees to understand their roles and responsibilities in the organisation and for that it is important to communicate effectively all along the operational line. In the present case the main operational problem that the organisation Kinokuniya has faced is wrong coordination in different departments. The finance department of the organisation is responsible to record and calculate all the financial aspects of the business and due to miscommunication and poor coordination there has not been proper and effective information gathering which would help to keep records as well as plan th e overall financial budget for the organisation. In a flat structure it is at times tough to control employees effectively (Cassidy, 2016). Hence in this scenario it is important that the organisation puts in place a strong system which would help to ensure that financial errors and decision making are done effectively in the business. The flat organisational structure in Kinokuniya the bookstore chain could lead to significant understanding issues as lesser layers of management could make employees pompous and casual in their work which wouldnt help to make effective business decisions as well as lead to poor customer relationship which would definitely affect the overall business turnover the organisation. Hence it could be said that the quality of performance could be bad with flat structure operating within the organisation. In this case the organisation has faced this problem as most of the consumers trying to take help from the employees have failed due to the ignorance of the employees working in the organisation (Morecroft, 2015). It has been seen that the organisation has effective training and development program in place but the employees have become highly casual which has led to poor performance of the employees. The organisation has also not been able to make expansion decisions properly as complex decision making is not effective with the help of flat organisational structure. The most suitable system acquisition method in this case for Kinokuniya would be to go for an ERP solution. There are number of key operational issue in the organisation and hence for this reason Enterprise Resource Planning is effective for the organisation. The ERP will be an effective system which would help the organisation to make sure all the procedures and resources in the organisation are perfectly managed. With ERP Kinokuniya will be able to manage its financial decisions, employee performance effectively keep records and communicate with the employees successfully (Bradford, 2015). ERP will be effective for the organisation as it will help to reduce cost for the company and manage the entire operation effectively. The ERP system is able to effectively automate the system and manage the business effectively. The Enterprise Resource Planning is an extremely effective software system for the organisation for this bookstore as it will help to keep records and information in a p roper way and it will also help in financial decision making which would definitely help to reduce cost and develop a stronger financial budget for the organisation (Azevedo, Romo and Rebelo, 2012). Every organisation has a specific sales process through which it sells that generates revenue. The sales procedure flowchart is given below: Fig 1: Sales Procedure Flowchart As per the above flowchart followed by the organisation Kinokuniya it could be said that there is a huge role of the business manager in this case in the sales process. the user orders a book in the bookstore or may be online which directly reaches the business and he or she checks the order form and issues it to the warehouse where the storekeeper checks the inventory and it goes to the stockouot and from there to the delivery sheet where the entire information is recorded from the side of the storekeeper and then it reaches the user. Apparently it might look lengthy but it is a simple process and is easy to reach to the consumers if the employees operate effectively (Bernus, Mertins and Scmidt, 2013). ERP is normally secured system but server frauds are very common nowadays and hence if the main server on which the software is based is hacked or breached then there is a possibility of network breach and data theft. Hence it could be said that the common issue with ERP is its vulnerability to outer programs like malwares and spywares which are used to breach the safety and security of the ERP software through its main server (Davenport, 2013). The development and adoption of the accounting system software package is important. The adoption of accounting software package has become very important in the business as it helps to keep all the possible financial records or information and helps to manage the finance effectively. The accounting software packages are largely internet based and hence provide online support which helps the organisation to get online support whenever possible. The development of accounting software packages are being done for a long time now and its adoption in Australia could be considered as extensive. The adoption of accounting software helps in easing the pressure of financial works and also makes it systematic which reduces hassles and financial errors in the business (Hall, 2012). The current market size of accounting software packages is huge at the present moment. The accounting software is used almost all across the world with emerging and developed economies using the accounting software extensively in business and other organisations to have proper information on finance and to make suitable decisions. In the last few years the market size has grown by around 85% which is a significant rise in the market share (Beynon-Davies, 2013). There are number of companies in the world providing accounting software packages but SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, MYOB, XERO, Oracle E-Business Suit, Intuit have emerged as winners in the market. These organisations have been able to gain significant market share and sustainable competitive advantage only because of their excellent customer response and technical support and great customised service to the client which other organisations have not been able to do. These organisations have been able to reduce and minimise the arduous task of managing finance and have made it easy which is definitely a great point about them (Romney and Steinbart, 2012). There are number of gaps or challenges in handling accounting software packages for the consumers. One of the biggest challenges is handling the highly mechanical software systems. For most of the consumers it becomes tough to understand the procedure of handling these softwares and this stands to be one the challenges. On the other hand services of Oracle and SAP are very expensive and this is a definite gap which the companies can work upon. Lack of accuracy and features create problems at times for the business consumers to handle accounting software effectively (Christauskas and Miseviciene, 2012). The key suggestions which could be given to these organisations will be to develop their service system and they should become more customers centric and understand the needs and wants of the consumers. They should also think about making the service cost effective and mechanically easy. More user friendly interface is a must for accounting softwares to be embraced more by consumers an d hence this should also be looked at seriously (Kirchmer, 2012). Conclusion The present report has tried to discuss the key aspects of information system used at workplaces. The importance of accounting software has increased in the recent years and hence it is important to understand the key challenges and gaps to use to accounting software which the present report has tried to reveal. 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